Los Reyes ~ Kings Day in Valencia

On this day children all over Spain receive their Christmas presents. Of course, many children do receive a small present on Christmas Eve (Noche Buena), but the main presents are given on el dia de Los Reyes – the day of the Kings.
Kings Day In Valencia
Epiphany (Twelfth Night) is when the Three Kings brought gifts of Frankinsense, Gold and Myrrh to the baby Jesus.
On the eve of this very special day (5 January), parades of floats wind their way through the streets of Valencia. This happens all over Spain and the event is televised on TV.
Before going to bed on the 5 January children leave their shoes by the door with food and drink for the Kings. In the morning they gleefully awake to find their presents from the Three Kings.
Parade for Kings Day in Valencia
The Kings and their entourage distribute vast amounts of sweets (candy) to all the children who come prepared with bags to collect them. This is a lovely festival with about 40 floats, bands and musical groups which everyone enjoys along the route.
The three Kings come ashore in the Port of Valencia, usually at around 5.00pm. Then the cavalcade of the three Kings leave the port and head for the Paseo del Alameda, near the Turia Gardens where the procession starts at 6.00pm.
The Kings travel through the streets of Valencia until they reach Plaza del Ayuntamiento where the cavalcade ends. From the town hall the Kings say a few words then move to the Salón de Cristal where the young children can chat with them.
Kings Day In Valencia ~ Parade Route
- – Paseo de la Alameda
- – Calle de la Paz
- – Plaza de la Reina
- – Calle San Vicente
- – Plaza del Ayuntamiento (Town Hall Square) where the parade ends.
Rosca de Reyes Recipe
(Three Kings Cake )
Rosca de Reyes cake is eaten the night before Kings Day in Valencia or in the morning.
There are many variations of this cake which usually contain candied fruits, cream and a coin. The person who finds the coin will be lucky for the rest of the year.
- 1lb strong white flour + 1 packet easy bake yeast
- 3ozs butter + 3ozs sugar
- 2 teaspoons grated orange and lemon rind
- 2 eggs (and one white of egg for glazing) + flaked almonds and glace fruit for decoration.
- Mix flour, salt, packet of easy bake yeast and grated orange and lemon rind together.
- Cream butter and sugar together and add to flour mixture and shape into a ball.
- Cover with a cloth or lightly greased cling film and leave to rise (approx 1 ½ hours)
- Knock back dough on a lightly floured surface and kneed for 10 mins (add coin in foil or bean).
- Roll dough into long strip about 5inches wide and then roll over lengthwise to form a sausage shape.
- Join edges to form a circle and place seam side down on lightly greased baking tray.
- Cover with cling film and leave to double in size for approx 1 hour.
- Press glace fruit into dough and sprinkle with flaked almonds and bake for 30mins until golden.
TIP! – This is a great celebration for both children and adults because the day coincides with Los Rebajas, the start of the January sales!