Valencia Bridges & Turia Gardens

Valencia Bridges
The bridges in Valencia enable you to cross over the Turia Gardens from the Old Quarter and other districts of Valencia.
Puente de las Artes Bridge (Bridge of the Arts)
The bridge links Guillem de Castro with the road leading to Burjassot. After you’ve crossed the bridge, IVAM is on the right and you are in the trendy and popular Barrio del Carmen.
Valencia Bridges ~ Puente de San José
A very beautiful old bridge which used to be the gateway from Portal Nou (which no longer exists) to the north. The bridge of San Jose is said to have been built in the late 1400s. It was originally decorated with the two Ponzanelli sculptures which are now on Trinidad Bridge.
Valencia Bridges ~ Puente de los Serranos
The bridge of Serranos was constructed in the 16th century and links Torres de Serranos to Barrio del Carmen in the Old Town.
On the other side of the bridge is Calle Sagunto which once linked the city to the Roman fortress of Saguntum.
Valencia Bridges ~ Pont de Fusta
The old wooden bridge was replaced by a temporary walkway which links the old town (just south of Torres de Serranos) to the district of La Zaidia and the tram station at Pont de Fusta.
This part of the Turia Gardens has two football fields and children playgrounds.
Valencia Bridges ~ Puente de la Trinidad
This is the oldest of all the Valencia bridges and known as The Trinity.
Puerta de la Trinidad was the way to reach the north and also to go to the monastery on the other side of the Turia river.
Valencia Bridges ~ Alameda Bridge (Calatrava Bridge)
This is an ultra modern bridge also known as the Calatrava Bridge as it was designed by Valenciano Santiago Calatrava.
Built in the 1990s to replace the old Exposición Bridge which was built in 1909, it is often called La Peineta (Spanish for large decorative Spanish comb usually worn under a mantilla or lace).
To access Alameda metro station take the steps at the beginning of the bridge into the Turia Gardens where the entrance is located.
Valencia Bridges ~ Puente del Real (Royal Bridge)
This beautiful bridge dates back to the 16th century.
At each end of the bridge are statues of the two patron saints of Valencia.
San Vicente Martir and the Virgin de los Desamparados.
Valencia Bridges ~ Puente 9 de Octubre
This is one of the Valencia bridges designed and built by local architect Santiago Calatrava in the 1980s. It was built to commemorate the events of 9 October when Jaume I entered and conquered the city in 1238 – (see National Day of Valencia).
On each side of the bridge are sculptures of eagles with outspread wings. The bridge joins Avenida Tres Cruces with a huge Shopping Centre in the northern part of the city.
Valencia Bridges ~ Puente de los Flores
As it’s name suggests the romantic Puente de los Flores is lined with flowers. It connects the Paseo de la Alameda with the Old Town.
There is a path for cycling, a wooden walkway and benches where you can sit and enjoy the wonderful view.
Valencia Bridges ~ Puente del Mar
The Puente del Mar is a pedestrianized bridge linking Plaza de America with the Alameda.
The stone alcoves and statues of saints make this a very beautiful bridge which is very popular with Valencianos and tourists.
Valencia Bridges ~ Puente del Reino
This very impressive bridge has 4 gargoyles guarding it – two at each end of the bridge.
The bridge towers over the Turia Gardens and the City of Arts and Sciences is clearly visible from the bridge.
Puente del Reino links the city center to Avenida de Francia, Avenida Reino de Valencia and onto the Port area of Valencia.
Parks in Valencia
Things to do in Valencia
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Valencia Accommodation